New Year Resolution

New Year Resolution everybody has one, but whoever follows through? This year let’s get off to the right start with something we call all stick to. Let’s try BioHacking, easy to do and you will not let yourself down by not your New Year Resolution!

What is Bio Hacking you ask? Biohacking is making small changes in your daily routine. Adding healthy supplements to help you feel better and change how your body works and feels. As with any supplement before taking talk with your doctor to make sure this is healthy for you. Before I started using these products I visited with my doctor and had a very positive conversation, but she knows any health conditions I may have, so please show your doctor. Come and explore the products available and what they can potentially do for you.

plos by velovita

Let’s talk about coffee we all know that coffee is not the way to lose weight. Some people feel they can’t function without their morning coffee. Introducing plôs more than just a supplement; it’s a lifestyle choice. By adding plôs into your daily routine, you’re investing in your overall well-being. Use plôs as a replacement for the creamers and sugars you might add to your coffee, helping in your weight loss journey. Experience the transformative power of plôs as it boosts your energy, curbs cravings, and supports your weight loss journey. I do not drink coffee, so I use it right out of the package. It controls my hunger pains. I find myself not having the late-morning cravings. Go check it out and decide for yourself.

Positive Thinking and Better Mood with Brain Food.

Are you ready to start the year off more positively? Brain food will help you do that, start your day the best way possible with bran. As you use this you will see and feel the difference daily. For most people, their mood depends on their sleep the night before. This will help you sleep better and wake up ready to start your day. Using this product will change the way you process things, help cut down the mental overload, and therefore help reduce stress, it did for me you should try it yourself.

Like everyone else in the world, we want to be happy every day throughout the year. I work hard and I deserve to be happy. We all have so many things that we can’t control in our everyday life. This is great for helping us see our situation in a different light, this helps our brain process differently. Give it a try.

We all are faced with aging, let’s see what we can do about that. Uüth®is a great biohacking tool to protect against the stress of life. It improves our looks and what aging does to the body, you look and feel better. Want thicker hair of your youth or those nails you were always so proud of? Look no further this will help with all of that and more. This is known to also help with your gut health. No more bad stuff in your gut, therefore, feeling better with little or no heartburn or upset stomach. Your gut will become more healthy. Don’t hesitate to try it; you’ll be amazed at the results. Not an overnight success but like all other biohacking use daily and be amazed. I have been using it for a couple of months and my crow’s feet are a thing of the past.

Start on the journey of better sleep and weight with zlēm®, to enhance your sleep and help with weight loss. We have all tried to lose weight with fad diets, gummies, pills, and exercise that we don’t enjoy. In today’s society, we are all under stress, work, home, and kids. Not to mention family obligations that sometimes put a lot of added pressure. Everyone wants to be there for every friend and family member but sometimes we don’t have the energy. Taking zlēm®, 30 minutes before bedtime will help us achieve a better night’s sleep. Better sleep equals more productive days, and being able to enjoy life. Furthermore, over time weight loss will be achieved. What more could you ask for weight loss and better sleep?

Ever felt sluggish, bloated, or just plain cranky? Your gut might be to blame. Our guts are like tiny ecosystems, filled with billions of bacteria. When these bacteria are out of balance, it can cause all sorts of problems.

That’s where byōm® comes in. It’s a special blend of probiotics, enzymes, and trace minerals designed to restore harmony in your gut. Think of it as a superfood for your digestive system. Remember your gut is a large portion of your immune system, when your gut is good you naturally feel better. Along with having a stronger immune system. When you feel good your mental health and your mood improves which helps to reduce stress.


Now that you have watched the video, let’s talk about probably the most important in protection.

In today’s world, we are surrounded by technology. While it brings many conveniences, it also exposes us to harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs). To help combat these effects, the tuün® RESONATE is a stylish and functional accessory designed to protect your health.

Tuun by Velovita

The tuün® Resonate is a wearable biohack that helps shield you from the negative effects of EMFs. This beautiful pendant not only looks great but also works to keep you feeling balanced in a world full of stressors, both external and internal.

There are so many benefits to wearing the tuun. By reducing the impact of EMFs, people find themselves sleeping better, their concentration is better, and their attitude is better. It can also help with headaches and fatigue by reducing the harmful EMFs we are all subject to in our daily lives.

The tuün® Resonate pendant uses earth-grounding frequencies and other technologies that counteract EMF radiation. By wearing it, you can help restore balance to your body and reduce the chaos that modern life can bring.

In conclusion, to start the New Year try these out, take the first step in a better you. What have you got to lose nothing with so much to gain for yourself? Make 2025 the year of new starts!